talkng about it , I was indeed pissing last 12AM. - . I don't fucking understand why hadn't I treasure the times, but anyway I'm glad everything is okay now, I appreciate very mcuh over what he'd done still. & guess never had I imagine he'll ever do it , I supposed this is so much he willing to do for this love . I loveyou-
before that we hit town. bought our presents, I;ve got him this Freshimp top, & I made him muffins. he;d got me 2 of Freshimp + a necklace which I've yet to receive.. we caught IamLegend at century ,sucha sad movie la , & I saw diana gf! ;)
Its sucha simple christmas,
I'd only enjoyed it when all drama ended .

Sucha pity there isn't any pictures of us,
Its too sad to have any, but hopefully soon (:
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